Monthly Archives: January 2020

Post-Concussion Syndrome: An Invisible Illness

When most people think of a concussion, they think of a mild injury with few long-term effects. Concussions are often downplayed in our society as minor injuries or “just a bump to the head.” This kind of thinking has resulted in athletes continuing to play after a concussion and car accident victims walking away from the crash, believing they are uninjured. In reality, a concussion can have serious and dire consequences that can result in months and even years of pain and suffering. In fact, between 10% and 30% of concussion injury victims develop something known as post-concussion syndrome. This syndrome often results in months and years of symptoms and can interrupt normal daily functioning. Accident victims suffering from post-concussion syndrome may have migraines, vision problems, vertigo, and memory issues. In addition, they can suffer from “brain-freezing”. This is a condition where the brain becomes easily over-stimulated and shuts down. Unfortunately, because individuals suffering from [...]

By |2020-01-28T00:32:03+00:00January 28th, 2020|Auto Accidents, Post Accident Activities|

Could You Have a Herniated Disc?

Sometimes accident victims walk away from a crash believing that they are uninjured. That is because the adrenaline surge after a car accident can mask the symptoms of some injuries. Then, later, they end up in the emergency room in serious pain. Back injuries are an example of an injury that can worsen after a car crash. One of the most common back injuries after a car accident is a herniated disc. Your spine is comprised of 33 bones called vertebrae. These bones are supported by cushions of soft discs. These discs allow your spine to move and bend. In a car crash, the force of the impact can violently throw your body around, hyper-extending and tearing the tendons and ligaments in your neck or back, which can change the dynamics in your spine and put pressure on your discs. This pressure can cause a spinal disc to bulge, protrude, or herniate. A disc is [...]

By |2020-01-16T12:26:36+00:00January 16th, 2020|Auto Accidents|