Motorists, What is Your Motorcycle Awareness Level on the Road?
Did you know that May is Motorcycle Awareness Month? To help motorcyclists and motorists save lives, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has launched the new Get Up to Speed on Motorcycles campaign. This campaign is aimed at increasing awareness of motorcycles on the road and helping motorists understand motorcycle driving behaviors better. Through education and increasing awareness, the NHTSA hopes that motorists and motorcyclists can work together to reduce dangerous and fatal injury accidents. Motorcyclists are at an increased risk on the roads. Every year, thousands of bikers lose their lives in accidents that could have been prevented. In 2015, motorcyclists accounted for nearly 14 percent of all fatalities - even though they represent just 3 percent of the registered vehicles on the road. Sadly, the number of motorcyclists killed just keeps increasing every year. In 2015, the NHTSA reported an 8 percent increase in the number of motorcycle fatalities from the year [...]